
Case Studies

Dark Fiber Service

Overseas Network Service Provider

Customer Background

This customer is a foreign-based network service provider offering services in multiple cities worldwide, based on the NaaS concept not seen in conventional providers. As they provide services interconnecting many data centers primarily in Tokyo and Osaka and continue to expand even in the Japanese market, DCI service providers like us also saw their wide coverage as significant.


DCI/Dark Fiber Service

Our proposal team specializes in establishing relationships with overseas customers. We proposed an optimized fiber solution after finding out as much as possible about the business background during a meeting.
The customer praised our proposal as flexible and capable of swift responses to a wide range of requirements, and adopted multi-core dark fiber solutions in the Tokyo and Osaka areas.
Adopting our low-latency dark fiber has allowed them to construct a high-quality network.


Customer praised ability to keep costs low and achieve high reliability through our high-quality fiber and construction of a low-cost fiber combination backbone.

We use our wealth of proposal experience to handle anything flexibly, even including requests for added lines, completion ahead of schedule, or other sudden requirement changes.

We propose optimal solutions in an ongoing process, as a strong partner in the Japanese market for future customer backbone upgrades.

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