
Case Studies

Dark Fiber Service

Internet Service Provider

Customer Background

This customer is a major service provider that conducts Internet business on a large scale within Japan. They have provided high-quality ISP services for over 20 years, and currently support several million users with Internet service. With Internet traffic on the rise, they were considering reinforcing the backbone of the Osaka area from a capacity-planning perspective.


DCI/Dark Fiber Service

The customer initially considered reinforcing their network backbone between key Osaka data centers by using 10Gbps dedicated line.Instead, we proposed dark fiber connections for future bandwidth expansion. Using the capability of the customer’s network equipment, dark fiber will allow future bandwidth expansion.They have currently upgraded their network to 100Gbps. In future they can upgrade to over terabit connection.


Dark fiber connections between critical customer data centers have allowed for infrastructure provision that is compatible with future business expansions. The customer is actively engaged in new business in addition to their core communications business, and as a partner, we plan to continue proposing support for their infrastructure.

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